BSL DAO LLC Amended and Restated Operating Agreement

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Only comment is…does it need to be listed as a tax, would a bsl fee be better wording? Just adding my 2 cents not a lawyer.


Good Idea - changing.


Why are we lowering the number of votes required for a temp check?
For delegate selection I think a criminal background check is in order as well.


I think we have to for now - we lost quite a lot of folks over the past 1-1.5 month. Probably can change back at some point when people buy back in and we get new members. I

The threshold was 50, we didn’t lose that many people and we don’t want a minority rules situation.

Hmm, ok but what happens if we can’t get anything passed. People are disengaged and I bet we lost half the people - look at the price drop and the sentiment in the Hedera community. Most that remains are old timers. It will come back, but until we resolve the SLP incident and get over that and they release the next few things in the roadmap, it is what it is. It will be bad if we can’t get the votes - then nothing will get done. The on-chain is what counts anyway.

I would want the on chain threshold changed to the 1.5B, reflecting the 10% of available token due to the initial burns, and the “tax”, to be referred to as the BSL DAO SLP Contribution, as discussed in the other topics. Those are some minor changes we can add to this going forward so as not to have to amend it again in a very short time.

Thus would incorporate some of the most recent topics that were pending, and can move things along.


I see what you are saying, I do feel if we as a DAO of a couple thousand wallets can’t get 50 votes then no we shouldn’t be able to make changes. What if instead of a fixed number the threshold is a percentage of holders, this way as the DAO grows the threshold grows with it.

I also think that 4.1 needs to be changed to make the onsite proposal discussion phase mandatory and for a length of at least two weeks. Two days is an irresponsibly short amount of time. We don’t know what members have going on in their lives to suggest that two days of chat with nothing to review on the gov site is enough time. Not everyone can be in the chat everyday, some people may only check once a week. All DAO members have the right to meaningful review of measures being put forth, not just active ones.

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This could make emegency proposals impossible. I dont think everything needs minimum 2 weeks of discussion.