Proposition to serve as a designer for the DAO

Hi team,

On top of Glastirr’s offer to serve as a community manager, I would like to offer to join the DAO team and offer my services as an application designer.

I’ve been a designer for the past 15 years and spent 10 as a design consultant where I got the chance to work on more than 100 digital tools, going from business applications, mobile apps, blockchain tools for the automobile industry … to finaly get the chance to lead the visual design studio.

As much as I love designing tools with a nice look and feel, my main skills are focused on creating tools that address at best complexe business and user requirements throught an optimized user experience.

Aside from my job as a designer, I am also in the process of building my own small business of making and selling artisan goods, which gives me some insights on what small business owners might be looking for.

If you need more info we can catch up on the verifiied chat :wink: