Tokenomics: 3% or 4% tax on buys and sells respectively

As the tokenomics vote passed in the DAO, it will be reformed. The pres said that the taxes in the token contract can only work when they are written as a whole number. So the 3,5% we voted on isn’t feasible.

Therefore the tokenomics change will be: no more reflections, and an increase on the buy side from 0% to 3% or 4%. Sell tax goes from 7% (3% reflections and 4% to the SLP) to 3% or 4%. The taxes have to be symmetrical, so 3-3 or 4-4. All taxes go to the SLP directly, which is the pool that feeds our hard money loan system.

Which percentage would you like on both buys and sells?
  • 3% on both buys & sells
  • 4% on both buys & sells

0 voters

4% definitely fills the liquidity pool faster. Our goal is to lend with the maximum amount of funds possible.


Totaly agree!!! We can make the SLP grow faster.