Burning remaining un-purchased BSL ETH tokens

Before ETH side migration an even portion of the remaining un-purchased ETH BSL will be burned.

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I for one think this is a great way to reward current BSL holders. As always it is up to the community, so let’s get some thoughts for and against going.

Not really sure what this is about. No details here. It also looks like it didn’t follow the rules of the using the DAO gov site, suppose to do a proposal discussion first. Please read the rules before posting something and making sure it is clear what you are talking about.

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Thank you for your feedback, it has been changed to a discussion. As far as what its about it is VERY self explanitory.

Step 3. Once you feel like your proposal has been well crafted, create another forum post in the [Temperature Check section]

According to this the only criteria for moving to temp check is whether I feel like its ready.

I saw there might be a migration but what are we discussing here? What burn are you referring to - is this the ETH not sold - wouldn’t they just close down the ETH side when a migration happens. Not sure what you are getting at and why is this important. Is this something the team is aware of? Not sure how to respond when there is just a sentence on this… Thanks.

Lol, the burn I am referring to is literally the one being proposed in this proposal. If the tokens are burnt on ETH then they will also be burnt on Hedera post migration.

Can you please explain in detail why this is a good idea?

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