Hey everyone,
As we continue to grow and evolve as a DAO, I think it’s important to have something that brings together our shared vision, roles, and how we operate—especially since our structure can feel a bit complex. Our DAO is uniquely shaped, and many of the common assumptions from other Web3 projects don’t necessarily apply to us. I’ve noticed that newer members sometimes find it tricky to understand how BankSocial and community governance fit together, so it’s clear we need a more cohesive way to explain things.
As we grow, it can also be challenging for long-time members to shape the DAO’s future effectively. That’s where the Charter comes in. Don’t worry—it’s not a heavy legal overhaul. Instead, it’s a guiding document that keeps us aligned as a community. The Charter will offer a clearer picture of how we make decisions, manage proposals, and scale over time. Think of it as a roadmap for us to continue growing—something that can evolve with us as we expand.
We’ve been doing great operationally, but as we aim for long-term success, we need to ensure we’re building something sustainable. The Charter will help us clarify how we uphold transparency and decentralization, while collaborating with BankSocial and expanding our ecosystem.
This is a step forward—a way for us to stay on the same page, make informed decisions, and work toward our shared goals. I’m excited to hear your thoughts and work on this together. Let’s make sure that as we grow, we stay true to the values that brought us all here.
here is a draft that was reviewed by a few community members BSL DAO Charter_Final_Draft.docx - Google Docs
Please add your feedback in the document … ask for any clarifications you might have in the comments below…